CircusInfo Finland has published the statistics of Finnish circus from the year 2016. Statistics show a strong increase in the number of performances as well as spectators. During the year 2016 circus companies and Cirko – Center for New Circus organised altogether 816 performances in Finland and 486 performances abroad. The aggregate attendance of Finnish contemporary circus companies in the year of 2016 was 94.259 spectators in Finland and 140.684 spectators abroad.
More than a third (38%) of the performances and almost two-thirds of the spectators (62%) for Finnish contemporary circus companies’ own productions took place outside of Finland. In 2015, the share of performances abroad was more than a half (53%) and of spectators more than two-thirds (69%). Finnish circus companies’ tours reached all corners of the world. Most of the performances abroad took place in France and Great Britain. In 2016 Finnish circus companies visited a total of 32 countries: besides 19 European countries also in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Lebanon, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, South Korea, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates and the USA.
Compared to the previous year the number of performances and spectators in Finland shows an increase (perf. +65%, spect. +60%). The increase of performances and spectators in Finland is partly due to the increasing number of companies included in the statistics. Also an experimental school tour gave three circus companies an opportunity to perform for almost 20.000 young spectators. The success of the school tour demonstrates that the need for building a national touring system for circus is now more evident than ever.
The number of circus performances compiled in the statistics of 2016 was altogether 1.726. Out of these, the contemporary circus companies produced altogether 1.302 performances and traditional circus 424. The aggregate attendance of the circus performances was 446.650 spectators. Out of these performances, the contemporary circus companies gathered an audience of 234.943 spectators and traditional circus 211.707.
The 2016 statistics gather information from as many as 38 companies, working groups as well as Cirko – Center for New Circus in addition to two traditional touring circuses, Sirkus Finlandia and Sirkus Caliba of which the latter is included for the first time.
CircusInfo Finland compiles annual circus statistics related to the activity in Finnish circus field. The collection of the data started in 2006.
To explore the data and information graphics related to it, visit sirkusinfo.fi/en/circus-in-finland/circus-statistics/.